Sing Away

Singing for and with my children has always been a big mainstay in my parenting toolbox.  From soothing lullabies when they were babies, to reminder or clean-up songs as part of our daily routine, to let’s-focus-on-something-else songs to ease a fussy moment, to celebration songs to mark an occasion, to calming bedtime songs at the end of the day.

Anytime is really the right time, I think, for a song.  In my experience, children respond very well to singing and rhymes, especially when introduced at an age when they are still naturally interested and taken by such things.  I know, you may be saying to yourself, “Only problem is,…I don’t sing.”  Well, I will just say, you may be surprised that singing is kind of like magic.  Next time you are in a tight spot of some kind with your child, try singing.  You may notice that they are instantly taken in by your song, and that which was SO important and all absorbing a moment before, quickly disappears.

Recently, when I wanted to teach my daughter the routine of taking off her outdoor clothes and putting them away I came up with the following verse to help her (which can be sung to your own tune). “Hats in the bin, boots on the tray, coats on the hook, then we say yay!”  Repeated until all the parts are completed at which time the YAY becomes extra jubilant!

When cleaning faces and hands after a meal (which can for some children be a struggle) my mom taught me the following song, which both my children love!  “Oh-oh whats this, what have we here,… “Anna” has some “tomato sauce” on her face.  Wipe, wipe, scrub, scrub,..all clean!

A few months ago, I was looking for a way to encourage my daughter to walk longer distances. She didn’t mind walking a block or two, but often would ask to be carried after no time at all.  I talked to her about making her legs strong legs (like her big brother’s legs:) and would often sing the ants go marching song.  Focusing on singing the song while walking was wonderfully distracting for her and helped her learn to walk much longer distances, as well as scale the stairs in our house!

The ants go marching one by one hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching one by one hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to suck his thumb and they all go marching down, around, the town boom, boom, boom…The ants go marching two by two hurrah, hurrah,...

Making up your own rhymes for this song can be part of the fun.  Its also a good one for the car!

One of the soothing bedtime songs I sing to my children is the following:  Gone to bed is the setting sun, day is over and night begun, whipper wale, whipper wale, has just begun.  Over the years I have collected a number of songs that I rotate night after night, sometimes adding a new one.  Both my children love being sung to, especially before falling asleep it serves as a beautifully calming and peaceful end to the day.


3 thoughts on “Sing Away

  1. Had no idea you had a blog. That was a beautiful piece about singing. We love to sing in this house too. So simple and effective. However in the heat of what could be a frustrating moment….not always the most obvious choice, but you’ve reminded me it’s definately the right choice. Talk about turning what could be a negative moment into a very postiive one….if not a very surprising one……take care Hester, and hope we see you, Ron and the kids soon, and happy blogging!
    xo Rose

  2. Hester, do you know this song from the Nursery Garden? The children sang it in the winter months when dressing to go outside.

    ‘thumbs in the thumbhole, fingers all together,
    this is the song we
    sing in mitten weather’!


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